
1a2v1 (CZ)
L to the B / multiplace opening party
Audiovisual dance play premiere

Adam Hazdra (CZ)
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Aleš Zemene (CZ)
Sewage Echoes II,
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Alexandra Niczová (SK)
Web-site-specific (curator)

Anymade (CZ)
L to the B / multiplace opening party
Audiovisual dance play premiere

AY Riders (UK, RU, PL, CZ)
Multiples: AY Riders (UK, RU, PL, CZ), VJ Texa, Hugo a Hubero (CZ)

Čerička ZX Soundsystem (SK)
See The Sounds

Daniel Hromada (SK/CZ)
Kyberia vs Facebook / Fabuš / Cabowitz

DJ Fool
DJ Fool

DJ Ink Flo (CZ)
L to the B / multiplace opening party
Audiovisual dance play premiere

DJ RaveBoy
Breakcore III.

DJ Tripanozom
Breakcore III.

Electronic Bitches (CZ)
L to the B / multiplace opening party
Audiovisual dance play premiere

Eliška Mazalanová (SK)
Web-site-specific (curator)

Elsa Vieira (PT/US)
As organiser in MTP:
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Franziska Mayr-Keber
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Friedrich Kirschner (DE)
Multiplej II.: Machinima films

Georgij Bagdasarov (AM/CZ)
Sewage Echoes II,
Blau Peru

Gívan Belá (BE/SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Sewage Echoes II

Hugo a Hubero (CZ)
Multiples: AY Riders (UK, RU, PL, CZ), VJ Texa, Hugo a Hubero (CZ)

Ilan Katin
Modul8 Workshop

Indie Twins DJs (CZ)
Radio Kills The Internet Stars

Isjtar (BE)
As organiser in MTP:
Sewage Echoes II

Ivo Mathé (CZ)
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Jan Kadlec (CZ)
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Jan Pavelka (CZ)
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Jan Turner (CZ)
Radio Kills The Internet Stars

Ján Turzo (SK)
Water clarifier ZX workshop

Jan Zálešák (CZ)
Media reActivity

Jana Horáková (CZ)
Media reActivity

Jana Zátvarnická (SK)
In Forma

Jiří Chmelík (CZ)
Student Match

Johana Švarcová (CZ)
Radio Kills The Internet Stars

Jonatán Pastirčák (SK)
Sewage Echoes II

Kateřina Zochová (CZ)
Sewage Echoes II

Keiko Sei (JP)
Media reActivity,
Guča / Gucha 06

Klára Doležálková (CZ)

Kolouch (CZ)
L to the B / multiplace opening party
Audiovisual dance play premiere

Kristian Lukič (YU)
Play Cultures [world of digital games]

Lenka Dolanová (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Lenka Dolanová a Michal Kindernay,
Sewage Echoes II

Lenka Hrabálková (CZ)
Student Match

Lenka Kočišová aka Akkamiau (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
L to the B / multiplace opening party
Audiovisual dance play premiere

Ľúbozvučné konvalinky (SK)
Ľúbozvučné konva_linky

Marc Muncke
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Marcio Domingues (PT)
Sewage Echoes II

Marek Ďuriš (CZ)
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Marek Tichý (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Iuridicum Remedium
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Markéta Cilečková (CZ)
Trains Disperse The Clouds,
See The Sounds

Markéta Lisá (CZ)
Sewage Echoes II

Martin Blažíček (CZ)
Sewage Echoes II

Martin Čechura (CZ)
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Matyáš Chochola (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Potraviny Gallery
Rumyana / Skreš (support)

Maxigas (HU)
Media reActivity

Messiah Komplex – Yarrdesh
Breakcore III.

Michal Cab (CZ)
Kyberia vs Facebook / Fabuš / Cabowitz,
Multiplace Opening

Michal Kindernay (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Lenka Dolanová a Michal Kindernay,
Multiplace 2009 (program contact & infocentre Prague)
Student Match,
Sewage Echoes II

Michal Marenčík (CZ)
Student Match,

Miloš Vojtěchovský (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Institute of Intermedia,
Sewage Echoes II

Mr. Kanystr
Breakcore III.

Něco v krabičkách (CZ)
See The Sounds,
Něco v krabičkách

Nik Suchentrunk
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Nikola Gedeonová (CZ)
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Ondra Volek (CZ)
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

open participation
Sewage Echoes II,
Ring Free,
Open collaborative digital drawing workshop,
A/V concert and PD Jam,
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Palo Fabuš (CZ)
Kyberia vs Facebook / Fabuš / Cabowitz

Paolo Podrescu (US/DE)
Media reActivity,
Guča / Gucha 06

Patrik Zandl (CZ)
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Paul Keller (NL)
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Pavel Klusák (CZ)
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Pavel Neuman (CZ)
Kyberia vs Facebook / Fabuš / Cabowitz

Pavel Richtr (CZ)
Student Match,

Peter Konečný (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Film And Internet

Petr Jansa (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Iuridicum Remedium
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Petr Vrána (CZ)
Media reActivity

Rafani (CZ)
Media reActivity

Rich Loop Panciera
RogueWaves presents: SHARE Media Cirkus with Live Streaming

Richard Loskot (CZ)
Richard Loskot: gotoAndPlay(),
Guča / Gucha 06,
The Point of Things

Robert Král (CZ)
Student Match

Rumyana (BG)
Rumyana / Skreš

Stanislav Abrahám (CZ)
Sewage Echoes II

Tereza Rullerová (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Umakart Gallery
Richard Loskot: gotoAndPlay() (curator)

Tereza Velíková (CZ)
Tereza Velíková - Pepito

Tomáš Kovács (SK/CZ)
Student Match

Tomáš Koza (CZ)
Student Match

Tomáš Vágner (CZ)
Student Match

Vilém Novák (CZ)
Student Match

Vít Richter (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
National Library of the Czech Republic
Press conference of Creative Commons and discussion / ceremonial introduction of Czech version of licenses CC

Breakcore III.

VJ Smyslov
Breakcore III.

VJ Texa (CZ)
Multiples: AY Riders (UK, RU, PL, CZ), VJ Texa, Hugo a Hubero (CZ)

Vladimír Beskid (SK)
Relfexes: Contemporary Polish Animation,
Student video presentation

Zdeněk Záhora (CZ)
Student Match